Become a Friend of CASA.

Help us spread the mission of CASA statewide.

You can join the Kentucky CASA Network as a Friend of CASA, helping us spread the mission of CASA across the Commonwealth.

Friends of CASA is a new individual membership category with the Kentucky CASA Network. Your membership dues will help us promote the CASA mission, highlighting the advocacy that CASA volunteers provide for children. While we are excited about the geographical growth of the network, we know that CASA volunteers are at the core of this work, and your support will allow us to focus even more on volunteer recruitment. 

We hope you will join the Kentucky CASA Network as a Friend of CASA. Memberships are valid through the end of the calendar year and can be renewed annually. 


Send your dues by mail

If you prefer to send your Friends of CASA dues by mail, please send checks made payable to the Kentucky CASA Network to:

Kentucky CASA Network
1640 Lyndon Farm Court, Suite 108
Louisville, KY 40223

Please add "Friends of CASA dues" as the memo on your check.

Activate your Friends of CASA Membership
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